Prayer Requests



Please feel free to share your prayer requests here. I will gladly pray with you as long as it takes. Leave your comment or send me an email if you want it kept private.


13 thoughts on “Prayer Requests

  1. we have eleven poor orphens please pray for them and as you possible send me some help please ,
    A.P -INDIA

  2. Hello Pastor Dave. i just watched your youtube vudeo about being a Christian in the military. Aug. 26 i’m heading out to boot camp mcrd san diego. Requeat: Prayer for solid Biblical, Christ-Centered training while in the Corps. Specifically, mentors who would offer training in discipleship. I want to be a useful disciple. Thank you.

  3. manishka

    .please pray that my mother alka nayak gets permanently and miraculously healed from bipolar mood disorder and depression now and forever.also pray that all her tablets of depression and sleeping are permanently stopped now and forever.she receives all the happiness in the world from now on.. please pray for her.god bless you and praise the lord.

  4. ruthie1813

    This is such a fantastic blog! Please be in prayer for my family at the moment as we lost my Aunty (Mum’s sister) to cancer very recently…please especially pray for Mum. Also my Dad has drifted a long way away from the Lord having been an all-out faithful and fruitful Christian for 20 years… Needs God’s help x Just a very cheesy thank you as well for doing this blog, it’s brilliant and will help and encourage so many people. I’ll be praying that you’re okay and that God uses this

    • Thank you for your very kind words. I will keep your family in my prayers. May God’s loving touch be on your mom and dad right now and may He give you courage and power to be His disciple through hard times. God bless you!

  5. Michelle Jones

    of.Dec.16.2014my 23 year .old son. Was student
    at the end of an. Aa degree now battles with s
    Mental illness.praying for our lord and savior Jesus Christ to complete ly deliver him and restore his mind.. thank u for pray ers. However the lord leads you

    God bless you

  6. manishka nayak

    I m answering my borad exams on 15 jan..please pray for my success in exams.

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